Author List

List of our authors for our blogs

Our Writing Standards

At Borneo Web Works, our words are woven with a commitment to integrity and authenticity. Our team is not a mere collection of individuals; we are a synergy of young and passionate Sabahans, each with a story to tell.

Authentic Voices

Every article on our platform is more than just text on a page—it's a narrative born from genuine experiences. Our writers are handpicked not just for their skill, but for their zeal to communicate truths that matter.

Rigorous Standards

Our writing undergoes a meticulous two-tier review process. We ensure every fact is double-checked and every anecdote shared is rooted in reality. This diligence ensures that the heart of each story beats true to the rhythms of credibility.

Heartfelt Dedication

When we write, we do so from the depths of our hearts. We believe that the most compelling stories are those told with a dedication to the truth, infused with the spirit of our unique insights and perspectives.

Inclusivity and Respect

We stand firmly against hate in all its forms. Our platform is a space of respect, inclusivity, and unity, celebrating the diverse voices of Sabah and beyond.

Journalistic Integrity

We don’t just hire writers; we nurture ambassadors of culture and truth. Our team embodies the spirit of Sabah, channeling their passion and knowledge into every piece published.